
By Bob Maerten —

We recently got access to GitHub Actions, a new tool provided to private repositories (during the beta phase). To test it, we found a perfect use case matching a real problem in our deployments.

Ruby tooling

As you may have noticed, we mainly use...

By Bob Maerten —

When trying to reach an external service (via HTTP for example) it is recommended to specify a timeout. If the service your are trying to contact is not responding, you don’t want you connection to hang on forever.

When you make an HTTP request you...

By Bob Maerten —

Upgrading to Rails 5.1 on the ActiveRecord side

Our method to upgrade Rails is somehow similar to upgrading any other ruby gem: changing the version in the Gemfile, call bundler upgrade <gem> and run out test suite to check what’s broken. While this...

By Bob Maerten —

Using a different memory allocation library, you can reduce your Ruby application’s memory usage and response time. Learn how to use it on a hosting service (like Heroku or Scalingo) or your own server.

By Bob Maerten —

Spare disk usage, but also shorten downloading time on a repository by removing large blobs of useless data.

By Bob Maerten —

Automating the deployment of a static website makes updating it much more enjoyable. This blog is hosted on a basic plan which offers only FTP and SFTP access. Here’s how we deploy it in a matter of seconds using our CI server, with the security of SSH keys and lftp instead of rsync.

By Bob Maerten —

It is time for us to give back to the OSS community after it gave us so much!